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I started off as a singer/songwriter and ended up here in author land. What a journey! The inspiration to write snuck up on me one day, and two years later my first novel, SERENADE was born. When I realized I could tell so much more of a story in a book than a three-minute song, I switched careers to focus on writing full-time. Dreaming up stories and discovering new things about this form of creativity fuels me every day. I want to affect people the way my favorite books affect me, and if I can make someone feel even the briefest zing from something I’ve created...well, ooh la la, that
excites me more than anything. I love to pull on my experiences and the people I met as a traveling
musician to fuel my novels, and find immense inspiration in the Rocky Mountains, escaping to them
whenever I can.

When I’m not writing or wandering about with my head in the clouds in my beautiful homeland Alberta, I pound away at the piano and sing at the top of my lungs in a rock cover band called CHROME (click music link below for my music bio and some original songs), or I turn various rooms of my house into makeshift art studios (my hubby has endless patience and quite possibly a blind eye) or I find a trail with lots of trees and pretend I’m Katniss in the Hunger Games, but the games are over and I’m just chillin’ with my orange cat (yes, he’s on a leash). Mostly, I am incredibly honored and so very proud to be a mom to three of the most awesome kiddos.

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